Training / Game
Training serves as a way to practice and learn skills and knowledge before you play scheduled competition games. Training usually consists of batting, bowling and fielding practice.
Games are played in the ECA League
U10 - Thursday at Burwood Reserve
U12 - Wednesday at Hartwell Reserve
U14 - Wednesday at Hartwell Reserve
U16 - Monday at Hartwell Reserve
U18 - Monday at Burwood Reserve
U10 - Sunday morning
U12 - Saturday morning
U14 - Friday night
U16 - Friday night
U18 - Friday night
Membership Fee
Membership fees for Junior Boys and Junior Girls are $225 with discount vouchers for 2nd and 3rd child.​
Use this link to begin registration
Before registering, all BCC members must accept the spirit of the BCC Handbook and its policies.
Information on how to register with PlayHQ site will be displayed in the next steps of the registration process.