Social Sixes is an exciting new cricket program specifically designed for women! It’s perfect if you are looking for a fun, fast, and social mid-week activity!
Training / Game
It’s a great way to get some fun exercise, in a positive and caring environment, meet people, and connect with others - we’re all about just being active. Cricket experience isn’t necessary at all.
Mondays from 21st October - 16th December
All sessions will run from 7 pm - 8 pm, at Burwood Reserve top oval.
Uniforms / Equipment
All will be organised by Kate Bellamy
If you would like to purchase any BCC merchandise, follow the link here
Bookings can be made all at once (whole season) or for single sessions. All sessions are $10 each.
Use this link to begin registration
Before registering, BCC members must accept the spirit of the BCC Handbook and its policies.